New Taimen Tour Dates 2020 / 2021 - Fishing Trips MONGOLIA now open for bookings
For the upcoming new fishing season across Mongolia we have now updated all Taimen Tour dates
in 2020 through 2021 and created an overlook for our valued clients and traveling sportsmen.
We are proud to have worked out a few new Taimen Camps and Wilderness Fishing Expeditions
in addition to our traditional tour program across Mongolia, reaching from the high Altai Mountains
in the West, to the vast steppes of Manchuria in the East, and fishing always off the beaten path
Travel Shedule of all Taimen Fishing Tours MONGOLIA - Season 2020 / 2021
Spring Season 2020 : Rods open / booked per Angler
27.05. - 05.06. Camp Lake Huvsgul I (Grayling & Lenok Trout) 10 days 6 / 2 EUR 3.480,-
06.06. - 23.06. Camp Altai + River Uur II (West. Mongolia) 18 days 2 / 4 5.990,-
14.06. - 27.06. Camp Delger Murun (North. Mong.) 14 (12 fishing days) 6 / 0 4.690,-
14.06. - 29.06. River Delger Murun Expedition (North. Mongolia) 16 days 4 / 2 6.980,-
14.06. - 29.06. River Onon Headwaters Exped. (East. Mongolia) 16 days 4 / 0 EUR 6.490,-
22.06. - 07.07. Camp Tengis - River Shishkid (North. Mongolia) 15 days 3 / 3 4.990,-
22.06. - 07.07. River Tengis Expedition (North) 15 (12 fishing days) 2 / 4 6.890,-
07.07. - 18.07. River Egiin Tour (North. Mong.) 12 (10 fishing days) 2 / 2 4.490,-
07.07. - 20.07. River Chuluut Expedition (North. Mongolia) 14 days 4 / 0 6.680,-
Fall Season 2020 :
27.08. - 10.09. River Uur Expedition (North. Mong.) 15 (12 fishing days) 4 / 0 EUR 5.490,-
27.08. - 10.09. River Expedition - Lake Huvsgul (North. Mong.) 15 days 4 / 0 5.490,-
10.09. - 24.09. River Tengis Expedition (Base-Camp Tengis) 15 days 5 / 1 6.890,-
10.09. - 24.09. Camp Tengis - River Shishkid (North. Mong.) 15 days 3 / 3 4.990,-
22.09. - 06.10. River Chuluut Expedition (Base-Camp Rashant) 15 days 3 / 1 EUR 6.790,-
22.09. - 05.10. River Egiin Tour (Northern Mongolia) 14 (12 fishing days) 2 / 2 4.690,-
15.09. - 29.09. Camp Khalchyn I (East. Mongolia) 15 (12 fishing days) 2 / 4 4.980,-
29.09. - 14.10. Camp Khalchyn II (East. Mongolia) 15 days River Khalchyn 0 / 6 4.980,-
06.10. - 16.10. Camp Tengis - River Shishkid (North. Mongolia) 11 days 3 / 3 EUR 4.490,-
16.10. - 30.10 Camp Selenge Rashant (North. Mong.) 15 (14 fishing days) 6 / 0 4.780,-
05.10. - 16.10. Camp Selenge Bulgan (North. Mong.) 12 (10 fishing days) 6 / 0 3.890,-
05.10. - 16.10. Camp Lake Huvsgul (Grayling & Lenok) 12 (9 fishing days) 8 / 0 3.690,-
Tour rates for the season 2021 may be increased by 2 - 4 %, depending on the current US-Dollar
exchange rate in Mongolia. Tour dates in 2021 remain unchanged, may move just by a few days
according to the calendar and the domestic flight-dates within Mongolia.
For all details and info-material, travel itineraries & images, pre-reservations & bookings, please be welcome to contact our office in Prague or in Germany :
Tel.: Europe - 0049 176 7485 2124 - Jan Haman, Tour Guide
E.mail : - Jan Haman
Office hours : Monday through Saturday, 14:00 until 20:00 central European time