Description and equipment of the fishing camp :
Being the only professional outfitter in Mongolia, who is running a fishing camp in the Altai Mountains, we are offering exceptional and very unique fly-fishing and sport fishing within the national park of the Mongolian Altai Range, situated in the very north-west of the country.
Our outpost in this vast and remote mountain range right in the middle of Central Asia is located in the Borders, where the largest Asian countries meet : Kazakhstan, South-Siberia, China and Mongolia, and these endless highlands with their wild rivers and deep lakes, are the home of the biggest Grayling sub-species and of the prehistoric Altai Osman.
Our fishing camp in the National Park Altai, in the direct vicinity of the border with Kazakhstan, is used only for a short period of productive fishing in spring time, when the early fishing season opens in western Mongolia. The camp of traditional ger-yurtas is erected on the banks of a deep lake, near the mouth of several important grayling rivers flowing into the lake.
The solid gers are well isolated and equipped with cozy wood-stoves and comfortable beds. Each spacefulger is shared by 2 anglers, and the large kitchen-ger serves as a dining room for the small angling group of no more than 6 fly-fishermen.
The fishing for strong Altai-Osman, big Mongolian Predator-Grayling, and for the numerous Siberian Baikal-Grayling in untouched wild highlands and at crystal-clear rivers during the opening of fishing season in Mongolia, belongs to the most extraordinary adventures, which can be experienced by the avid grayling angler and fly-fishing globetrotter ...
The only known world-record catches of Mongolian Grayling and stark Altai Osman, both great fighting predator fish and endemic species, came from our Altai Camp and have been landed by sport anglers, who went on tour with us during the past few years.
The fishing camp for the travelling fly-fisher, the curious naturalist, and for the passionate grayling specialist, who longs for fishing at deep mountain lakes and in the tranquility of the remote Altai Mountains, chasing for rare record-class fish never seen before ...