LAST MINUTE Offer MONGOLIA Autumn 2014 :
In order to complete and round-up groups of fishermen for our Taimen Tours in the exciting fall season, we can now offer an extremely favorable discount of - 20 % for those dedicated and progressive sportsmen, who don't want to stay behind !
Fish record Hucho Taimen - Fly fishing in Mongolia - Fishing Trips and Wilderness Tours
A limited offer for a short period of time, for all those anglers, who are not afraid to land their fish of
a lifetime. - Our clients will be well prepared and safely guided to the largest trout and game fish of
the earth ...
World Record Taimen Fish - Prime Mongolia Fishing Camps - Wild Mongolian Rivers
No other organization and outfitter can speak of comparably productive waters and best Taimen Camps of their own, or can claim such a list of trophy-class catches, world-record fish, and successful clients in their books. The fairest prices possible for 2 full weeks of professionally and carefully guided fly-fishing for Mongolian Grayling, Lenok Trout, Giant Taimen, and Spotted Amur Pike throughout the remote North of wild Mongolia, - from the rivers and lakes of the high Altai Mountains in the West, to the green hills and plains of vast Manchuria in the East ...

For all those adventurous fishermen, who are ready for something bigger :

Few last Tours in the AUTUMN Fishing Season 2014 still available !
Traditionally built comfortable lodge "4 Rivers", each cabin with bath-room and warm showers, a stylish dining room with bar, and 2-bed log-cabin accommodation with cozy wood-ovens and complete service. 2 weeks of full board with fresh organic European cuisine and local traditional dishes. Camps are fully equipped with our 4-wheel-drives, horses, boats and camping-gear for longer fishing explorations. Maintained trails along the rivers and log-cabins for camping at wild waters.
Solid ger-camp, isolated and heated, with comfortable cot-beds, large camp-kitchen and full service in the remote National Park of vast Manchuria. 2 weeks of wilderness fishing in the tranquility of green hills and vast plains, where the meandering river reminds of the good old pioneer days in East Africa. - Breathtaking scenery and highland grandeur throughout the entire tour. Plenty of local culture, native traditions and free nomadic tribesmen and herders living nearby our wilderness camps.
The Expert in Mongolia, specialized in genuine sport fishing only, with more than 20 years of experience in the country and own office in Ulaan Baatar. We are a well-established German, Czech and Mongolian based Fishing Outfitters Company with a passion for Taimen fishing.
Target for large trophy-class Taimen on fly. Catch & release only. The Mongolian frontier guards and mounted fish & game wardens are using our fishing camps as their outposts, and their work for the protection of Mongolian fish and wildlife habitat is actively supported by us.

Best fishing camps in Mongolia :
Limited small parties of sportsmen, 6 - 8 rods only per camp. Our legendary fishing lodges "Tengis" and "Khanagai" at the wild rivers Shishkid, Tengis, and Shargin in the remote Darhat Basin in the North, are traditionally holding most of the great record-class fish.
- Further, our new main lodge "4 Rivers" at the mighty Selenge, where hundreds of miles of prime and widely unexplored waters are full of Giant Taimen, Pike, and Catfish. Vast and remote fishing grounds, while still enjoying the comforts of a fully equipped fishing lodge.
- Especially unique and unmatched are our "Wilderness Ger-Camps" in remote National Parks from the high Altai Mountains in the West, across the Eastern Sayan Mountains in the North, to the green hills of endless Manchuria in the East, for the adventurous sportsman ...
Perfect conditions for fly-fishing in June and early July, sensational hatches of large insects, wild mountain streams, hungry and aggressive fish in prime condition. Precious Golden-Tailed Grayling on dry fly in pure and crystal-clear rivers. Impressive Mongolian Predator Grayling with nymphs and streamers. Fat Lenok Trout and massive colorful Taimen on big dry flies.
However, a minimum of 3 - 4 rods are necessary at cost, possibly in combination with another party of fishermen. Preferably traditional fly-fishermen, but also spinning game-anglers by the disciplined use of barbless single-hooks are welcome.

Fishing equipment and fishing regulations :
Barbless and solid single-hooks are mandatory, as all of our Giant Taimen are treated with respect, are carefully released and returned into the river. Strong tippet-material and fully-caged reels with reliable drags are required. 200 yards of 50 lbs backing is necessary for trophy-class Taimen.
A few Grayling and Lenok, mostly hurt specimen, may be taken as a daily bag, in order to highlight the camp-kitchen with some more organic, fresh food from the field, stream and woods of the country.
No fishing from boats. Strictly prohibited all over Mongolia. All of our fishing is from the river bank and by wading, while rafts and horses are used for floating down the rivers in search for the most productive fishing spots.
Strong rods, no lesser fly-rod than 9/10-weight for big rivers should be considered for this kind of fishing with large and heavy flies, - better class 12 for trophy Taimen !
Best are double-handed rods with a deep, powerful action for large rivers, preferably Skagit-Lines or Spey-Lines with a shorter belly and sink-tips. For fishing heavy Lenok Trout and strong Grayling in swift current, a long and smooth 6/7-weight, 10 foot rod is a very good choice, while a modern 11/12 ft. switch-rod in class 7 and with plenty of backbone, is probably the best all-round tool for fishing Trout and Grayling in Mongolia today.
Robust multi-layered clothing for cold climate and in light natural colors. No fashionable jackets in dark or bright colors. Compact outdoor equipment in solid backpacks and rod scabbards/bags for packing of horseback, rafts and off-road vehicles. No hard suitcases.
A solid wading staff and wading belt, robust wading boots with ankle-support and studded soles, and an inflatable life-vest are simply common sense and must be worn at all times, while fishing with us at wild Mongolian rivers in the strong torrents of spring.

The most effective fly patterns for Taimen and Lenok will be introduced by the fishing guide at booking of a tour and will be tied at the fishing camp, too.
The Taimen Huchen is a grand fish of the wilderness, who will retreat from any mass-tourism, crowd, disturbance, pollution and influence of the modern man. The mature specimen fish of Hucho Taimen do migrate due to season, spawning, and water conditions within the rivers, and must be followed up and chased accordingly. - Sportsmen having this largest trout and game fish on their target list, must be prepared to walk, ride, wade, and work with us seriously for this precious and challenging trophy fish of the wild !
A Mongolian Taimen in the trophy-class will not be caught accidently during an eco-ethno-trip with a few days of added fishing. These are completely different worlds and expectations.
More than half of our clients each year are old fishing friends, who are returning clients to our waters since 10 years now, some are even Mongolia veterans from the pioneer times some 20 years ago. - Therefore, most of the best tours and dates are booked until December for the next year´s season.

OFFER best tours, Fall Season 2014 :
Last tours & camps, - SELENGE or KHALCHYN,
Inclusive domestic flight and transfer to the North-West, hotel accommodations in the country and transport to camp, second domestic flight to the North, with full board 2 weeks at our camps and with German guide Jan Haman - fluent in English, Spanish, Czech and Russian language, at Your service during the entire trip as the local fly-fishing expert, interpreter, professional hunter, archer and nature-guide.
Our tour-prices had to be adjusted for the new season, due to the dramatic changes in US Dollar exchange rates in 2012 and following price increase and growing costs in the country of Mongolia.

Additional is the international Airfare to Ulaan Baatar and Visa, 700 - 900,- EUR (depending on departure airport from New York, Seattle, London, Frankfurt or Berlin according to present offer). Best possible connection and booking can be arranged by us, as well as Your visa, 100,- EUR.
Additional is the internat. Hotel in the capital Ulaan Baatar of Your own choice and price-class at own bill. Reservation for You can be arranged by us from our office in town, prices per room range from USD 75,- to 240,-
Transfer by helicopter from Ulaan Baatar optional at extra cost. Present charter at booking.
Alkohol. beverages at camp are optional at extra cost, by advance-order at booking. Original Czech beer and premium French wine.
Deposit payment at booking 50 % no later than 31. 08. 2014 (for reservation of best flight-connections) or until all dates and camps are reserved. Final payment 45 days before departure.
Cancelling fees :
- 25% (more than 90 days before departure)
- 50% (89 - 45 days before departure)
- 75% (44 - 30 days before departure)
- 100% (less than 29 days before departure), which will be replaced (by a 10 % credit) with bookings for next season. Cancelled bookings of flights are usually not replaced anymore by most airline companies. The flight dates, however, may be amended into next year´s season in many cases.
A travel cancel-insurance must be recommended.
Weight limit of travel baggage is a max. of 40 lbs by the domestic airlines today. The compact fishing and travel equipment in robust backpacks and rod-tubes should not exceed 40" inches in length for ease of handling.
CORCON Craft Ltd., office Germany and Prague
Mobile phone : Europe - 0049 176 251 244 07 E.mail :