Fishing Season MONGOLIA Fall 2012 :

Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen



Fly-Fishing for the largest Taimen and Trout and Grayling on this planet !  World Records. - Every season brings new record-class fish for our clients and guests.  Plentiful catch of prime Lenok and good Taimen every single day. Largest specimen and record-fish are landed typically during the autumn season of Indian Summer in Mongolia. Picturesque and wild Eastern Sayan-Mountains. Trophy-Fishing & Nature-Photography in the Frontier of Northern Mongolia.

A virgin land in untouched wilderness, our own traditional log-cabin camps and fishing-lodges at long-term leased Taimen-Rivers (leasing for a period of 50 years from the government) and protected pristine streams in National Parks.  Local nomadic herders belong to our staff at the camps, as well as mounted Game-wardens and Rangers of the Frontier guards.

Professionally guided tours in National Parks of the Siberian / Mongolian Borders.  Our own exclusive river stretches of several 100 miles at the legendary Shishkid, Tengis, Uur, Chalchyn and Selenge Rivers. Strictly limited Fishing-Licenses and guarded Taimen Tags for our clients only. Active protection and conservation of the prime strongholds of Taimen habitat in the country. Taimen Catch & Release only. Solid barbless single-hooks are mandatory.



Few last Tours in the AUTUMN Fishing Season 2012 still available !

Traditionally built comfortable lodges and cabins with bath-room and warm showers, a stylish dining room with bar and 2-bed log-cabin accommodation with cozy wood-ovens and service.  2 weeks of full board with fresh organic European cuisine and local traditional dishes. Camps are fully equipped with our 4-wheel-drives, horses, boats and camping gear for longer fishing explorations. Maintained trails along the rivers and log-cabins for camping at wild waters.

The Expert in Mongolia with more than 20 years of experience in the country and own office in Ulaan Baatar.  We are a well-established German, Czech and Mongolian based Fishing Outfitters Company.  - Breathtaking scenery and highland grandeur throughout the entire trip. Plenty of local culture, traditions and free nomadic tribesmen and herders living nearby our wilderness camps.



Last and best dates  FALL 2012 SEASON (14 days wilderness-fishing for Taimen) :   

14. 08.   -    28. 08.  2012     TENGIS  I             Rivers Tengis / Shishkid,  Camp Tengis

24. 08.   -    10. 09.  2012     TENGIS  II

24. 08.    -   10. 09.  2012     CHANAGAI  II        River Shishkid,               Camp Chanagai

16. 09.   -    01. 10.  2012     CHANAGAI  IV

30. 08.    -   13. 09.  2012      UUR  I                 River Uur,                     Ger Camp Uur

11. 09.    -   24. 09.  2012      UUR  II

20. 09.    -   05. 10.  2012      UUR  III

11. 10.    -   22. 10.  2012      SELENGE  III         River Selenge Ich-Ul,      Camp Selenge

Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen Lenok und Taimen 



Limited small parties of sportsmen,  6 - 8 rods only per camp. Lodges Tengis and Chanagai at the wild river Shishkid, camps at the legendary rivers Uur and Selenge, holding traditionally most of the great record-class fish. However, a min. of  3 - 4 rods are necessary at cost, possibly in combination with other party of fishermen. Preferably traditional fly-fishermen, but also spinning game-anglers by the disciplined use of single-hooks are welcome.

Barbless and solid single-hooks are mandatory, as all of our Giant Taimen are treated with respect and are carefully released and returned into the river. Strong tippet-material and fully-caged reels with reliable drags are required. No lesser Fly-rods than weight-class 10 for this kind of fishing, - better class 12 !

More than half of our clients each year are old fishing-friends, who are returning clients to our waters since 10 years now, some are even Mongolia-veterans from the pioneer times 20 years ago. - Therefore most of the best tours and dates are booked until December for the next year season.


OFFER 2012 :

Last tours & camps  FALL SEASON 2012,              per rod/angler   EUR   2.950,-   

Tour CHANAGAI  II / IV  - wilderness camp, best record Taimen                 3.350,-

Tour SELENGE  III   -  for Taimen, pike, sturgeon and catfish                     2.800,-


Inclusive domestic flight and transfer to the North, hotel accommodations and transport to camp, with full board pension 2 weeks and with German guide  Jan Haman  - fluent in English, Spanish, Czech and Russian language, at Your service during Your whole trip as the local fly-fishing expert, interpreter, professional hunter, archer and nature guide.


Additional is the international airfare  to Ulaan Baatar and Visa,  700 - 900,-  EUR (depending on departure airport from New York, Seattle, London, Frankfurt or Berlin according to present offer). Best possible connection can be arranged by us, as well as Your visa.

Transfer by helicopter from Ulaan Baatar optional at extra cost. Present charter at booking.

Alkohol. beverages at camp are optional at extra cost, by advance-order at booking. Original Czech beer and premium French wine.

Deposit payment at booking 50 % no later than 28.02. 2012 (reservation of best flight-connections) or until all dates and camps are reserved. Final payment 45 days before departure.

Cancelling fee of 20 %, but will be replaced (by a 10 % benefit) with booking for next season. Cancelled bookings of flights are usually not replaced anymore by most airline companies. A travel cancel-insurance is recommended.  Weight limit of travel baggage is a max. of 40 lbs by airlines today. The compact equipment and rod-tubes should not exceed 40" in length for ease of handling.


CORCON Craft,  Germany


Mobile-Tel.:  Europe - 0049 176 251 244 07                        E.mail :

Address :  CORCON Craft, Jan Haman, Frauenberg Str. 33, Bad Ueberkingen 73337, Germany - Europe